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알바의 상식 albamon

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경험이 있는 외국인 | 영어 가능한 게임 회사 구합니다

좋아요 수
[English ↓]
안녕하세요. 저는 다니엘입니다. 애자일 소프트웨어 개발에서 8년 경력을 가진 프로젝트 매니저와 팀장입니다.

저는 게임 산업에서 일하고 싶어요. 하지만 한국말 잘 못해요. 혹시 영어를 잘하는 게임 회사 알고 계시나요?

정보나 연락처를 알려주시면 감사합니다.

Hello. My name is Daniel and I am a Project Manager and Team Lead with 8 years of experience in agile software development.

I am trying to get a job in the gaming industry and had 3 interviews at small to medium-sized companies so far, but I was turned down because my Korean language skills are not good enough for daily use at work yet.

Ideally, I am looking for a position as an Associate Game Producer, as my skills and my previous work experience as a product owner and project manager are well suited to this role, and I enjoy the work and its responsibilities. However, I also have a background in QA and am very interested in exploring opportunities in QA, community management, marketing, or any other positions that are a good fit for my skills and experience.

I will do my best to improve my Korean skills as quickly as possible. However I was wondering if anyone knew any game companies where English is widely used at work?

If you have any information or contacts in such companies, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

